
To enter PNG, you will need a visa. You must apply for one prior to travel. Visas cannot be obtained at the airport. Online applications are possible for some visas, including eVisas. The PNG eVisa portal allows you to apply for eVisas. Occasionally, entry and exit conditions may change. For the most current information, contact the high commission/embassy/consulate in PNG.


Some airlines want this before you board the plane.

The PNG Tourism Promotion Authority welcomes all visitors to Papua New Guinea in 2022.

Since the Government of Papua New Guinea officially reopened the nation’s borders on July 1, 2022, the travel restrictions and requirements have changed.

Measure No. 2 has approved the following travel requirements for international travelers. 2 was effected on 18 April 2022 under the National Pandemic Act2020.

Travelers entering Papua New Guinea must still have a valid passport, an appropriate travel visa, and a COVID-19 certificate.


In Papua New Guinea, there is no visa-on-arrival facility. Travel visas to PNG, particularly Visitor Visas must be applied online at

If you require assistance with your visa, you may contact the nearest Papua New Guinean Overseas Mission or Post:


All travelers arriving in Papua New Guinea need to show proof of having been fully vaccinated. Approved vaccines include:

  • Oxford-AstraZenica COVID-19 Vaccine – 2 doses
  • AstraZenica COVID-19 Vaccine (COVISHIELD/SII) – 2 doses
  • Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine – 2 doses
  • Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine – 2 doses
  • Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine – 1 dose
  • Sinopharm-BBIBP – 2 doses
  • CoronaVac Sinovac – 2 doses
  • Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine – 2 doses
  • Covaxin (Bharat Biotech) – 2 doses
  • Covovax (SIINVX-CoV2373) – 2 doses


  • No longer is approval from the Controller required
  • No longer is pre-departure PCR testing required
  • COVID-19 testing at arrival is no longer necessary.
  • No longer is the quarantine required for passengers coming from India or the Philippines
  • The PNG Health Declaration form is no longer necessary


This information is not updated regularly and should only be used as a guide. The passenger must confirm the requirements with their destination country and any other countries they are transiting to. You will need to have your passport valid, a travel visa, and a certificate of vaccination. These requirements also apply.


PNG has lifted all Covid-19 restrictions related to air travel as of Thursday 06 October. The requirement to wear a mask inside airport terminals or onboard aircraft is gone. The requirement that all passengers arriving in PNG from abroad must show proof of being vaccinated against Covid-19 has been removed.

Note: Visa on Arrival (VOA), is still suspended. You must therefore have a valid PNG Visa before your travel date. Official website to apply for PNG Visa;


All pre-departure testing for all flights will stop at the airport from 1 am 25 April.

All passengers must proceed directly to the Departures Check-in through the Main Terminal Entry. Passengers who are traveling to international destinations will need to show proof that their destination doesn’t require pre-departure testing at check-in. We recommend checking for latest information at and bringing a screenshot of the requirements of your destination with you to check in.

For travel to Australia, pre-departure Covid testing is no longer necessary.

The UK, EU, and Scandinavia don’t require pre-departure testing. The USA, NZ, and Indonesia are the only countries that require pre-departure quick tests. PCR tests are required in Malaysia, Japan, and China as well as Hong Kong, Hong Kong, South Korea, and China. These requirements are constantly changing so passengers should verify the most current information.

Travel to Singapore, Hong Kong, Manila or any other country that requires a Negative Certificate must be authorized by a Doctor.

  1. The date and time of the test
  2. The name of the person being tested as it appears in the passport
  3. At least one additional personal identifier, such as date or passport number.
  4. Type of test that was performed
  5. The brand and make of your test
  6. The specimen was taken and the test was performed by or under the supervision a doctor.
  7. The test result (such as “negative” or “not detected”)
  8. The signature of the doctor signing the certificate.


Australia is available for travel by citizens of all countries, including PNG

  • Travelers to Australia no longer need to fill out the Australia Digital Passenger Declaration, (DPD) and will not be required to present Covid-19 Proof of Vaccination at check-in.
  • PNG citizens who choose not to get vaccinated can now travel from PNG to Australia and back.
  • Passengers transiting through Australia must ensure they have all required Proof of Vaccination for their onward airline as well as any country of transit. Qantas, for example, will only accept passengers who can show proof of having been fully vaccinated. These requirements can be met by the airline, which may refuse to lift the passenger. Air Niugini may still ask passengers to show these documents at check-in in Port Moresby.


  1. No longer necessary for Pre-departure Covid Test
  2. Normal Travel Documents
  3. No longer required to sign the Australian Digital Passenger Declaration
  4. Passengers arriving in Australia will no longer need to show proof of vaccination. Passengers traveling through Australia must show proof of vaccination at Check-in Port Moresby if they are required to by their next airline or country.


Singapore is available for travel by citizens of all countries, including PNG


  1. No longer necessary for Pre-departure Covid Test
  2. Normal Travel Documents
  3. You must provide proof of vaccination. Certificates that are valid for travel include, among others, the PNG International Certificate of Covid Vaccination, the WHO Yellow Card, and the Australian Covid-19 Digital Vaccination Certificate. Other compliant certificates may also be issued by other countries. International travel is not permitted by the Green Card PNG Vaccination Certificate. It does not contain either the person’s Date of Birth nor their Passport Number. The PNG International Certificate of Covid Vaccination is available from PNG National Department of Health (NDoH) upon production of a copy of your green vaccination card and passport either to email: or by visiting the NDoH office- Level 3 Aopi Centre in Waigani. Passengers aged 12 and under are exempted from the requirement to show proof that they have taken the Covid19 vaccine.
  4. Passengers are required to submit an electronic medical declaration form three days before their arrival in Singapore via either the SG Attorney Card (SGAC), e-service, or the mobile app. Passengers traveling through Singapore are exempt from this requirement. Passengers who have been fully vaccinated in Singapore must present a Recognised digitally verifiable vaccination certificate (DVC). via the SC Arrival Card, or via the mobile app. No certificates are required for travelers who have been fully vaccinated in Singapore. For more information, refer to the FAQ on vaccination certificates.
  5. To trace contact details, all Travellers must download and activate the TraceTogether app on their mobile phones. After arriving in Singapore, children aged 6 or below and those with a special disability or other impairment can receive a TraceTogether token.


Transit through Singapore on any airline, including time spent outside the airport.


Philippines is available for travel by citizens of all countries, including PNG


As per IATF Resolution No. 2 (s. 2022), on the ENTRY and QUARANTINE requirements of inbound travellers to the Philippines

A. FULLY VACCINATED (Filipino & Foreign Travelers).

  • There is no pre-departure COVID-19 test
  • You must have received the second dose of a 2-dose series of vaccines or one dose of COVID-19 vaccines within fourteen (14) days of the departure date from the country of origin/port at embarkation.


  1. Travelers 15 years and older shall present a remotely supervised/laboratory-based Rapid Antigen Test administered and certified by a healthcare professional in a healthcare facility, laboratory, clinic, or other similar establishment taken 24 hours prior to the date and time of departure from the country of origin/first port of embarkation in a continuous journey to the Philippines, excluding lay-overs; provided that, he/she has not left the airport premises or has not been admitted into another country during such lay-over.
  2. If a traveler age 15 or older fails to submit a negative pre-departure test, they will be required to take a laboratory-based Antigen Test at the airport.
  3. ACCOMPANIED minors under 15 years old who are not VACCINATED due to any reason shall adhere to the quarantine protocols of their parent/s or an accompanying adult/guardian.
  4. UNACCOMPANIED minors under 15 years old who have not been VACCINATED are required to follow the procedures set forth in Section B (1) & (2).


All inbound travelers, Filipino and Foreign, shall be subject to the most current quarantine protocols and isolation protocols by the DOH.

Acceptable proof of vaccination:

  1. International Certificate of Vaccination and Prophylaxis from the World Health Organization;
  2. VaxCertPH;
  3. National or State Manual/Digital Vaccination Certificate for the Country/Foreign Govt;
  4. IATF allows other proof of vaccination.

Click the link to view the complete IATF Resolution No. 2, s. 2022: 


  1. Normal Travel Documents
  2. You must provide proof of vaccination. Certificates that are valid for travel include, among others, the PNG International Certificate of Covid Vaccination, the WHO Yellow Card, and the Australian Covid-19 Digital Vaccination Certificate. Other compliant certificates may also be issued by other countries. International travel is not permitted by the Green Card PNG Vaccination Certificate. It does not contain either the person’s Date of Birth nor their Passport Number. The PNG International Certificate of Covid Vaccination is available from PNG National Department of Health (NDoH) upon production of a copy of your green vaccination card and passport either to email: or by visiting the NDoH office- Level 3 Aopi Centre in Waigani. Passengers aged 12 and under are exempted from the requirement to show proof that they have taken the Covid19 vaccine.
  3. Passenger over 18 years old who have had their booster vaccination dose are exempted from the pre-departure testing. Passenger who have been fully vaccinated must present a negative RTPCR test within 48 hours. If the test is not positive, the healthcare professional will issue a certificate.
  4. In some cases, health insurance may be required. In these instances, travelers must have travel insurance that covers COVID-19 costs. The minimum coverage should be USD 35,000 This is not applicable to Filipino nationals.


Every Saturday, Air Niugini flies to Hong Kong and back. Currently, only permanent residents or citizens of Hong Kong are allowed to fly to Hong Kong.

  1. Normal Travel Documents
  2. You must provide proof of vaccination. Certificates that are valid for travel include, among others, the PNG International Certificate of Covid Vaccination, the WHO Yellow Card, and the Australian Covid-19 Digital Vaccination Certificate. Other compliant certificates may also be issued by other countries. International travel is not permitted by the Green Card PNG Vaccination Certificate. It does not contain either the person’s Date of Birth nor their Passport Number. The PNG International Certificate of Covid Vaccination is available from PNG National Department of Health (NDoH) upon production of a copy of your green vaccination card and passport either to email: or by visiting the NDoH office- Level 3 Aopi Centre in Waigani. Passengers aged 12 and under are exempted from the requirement to show proof that they have taken the Covid19 vaccine. Your PNG “Green Card”, which Hong Kong Authorities will require you to carry, must be also present. This information is not available on the PNG ICCV.
  3. Within 24 hours of your departure, you must pass a negative PCR test at Port Moresby airport. To check-in, you must have a negative certificate.



  1. NZ: Individuals who have had (recovered from) COVID-19 cases in the past and who have received a positive test less than 48 hours before departure of the first leg. A medical certificate stating that the individual has been cleared of COVID-19 infection.
  2. UK: Entry into the UK is possible without pre-flight testing
  3. USA: Do not travel if you have been positive for COVID-19.


Recovered Philippine Nationals With Positive RTPCR Pre-Departure Results: Note: Non-Filipino Citizens must take a negative test to be eligible for uplift to Manila

  • A medical certificate from a licensed doctor certifying that the traveler is healthy and safe:
    • COVID-19 was a symptomatic, mild to moderate, severe, or critical case.
    • Has completed the mandatory isolation period
    • It is no longer contagious;
    • he has been granted free movement/travel
  • Positive RTPCR test 10-30 days before departure from the country where it was taken.


At the moment, Hong Kong’s Historical Cases are not being uplifted


For onward travel to other countries, the passenger must email Air Niugini at least 48 hours in advance at NOC Approval . You must also include the country of destination and proof of compliance with its requirements. You must also indicate which countries you are transiting and what requirements your country/country of transit (other countries than Australia and Singapore) requires. This is usually a printed copy of the country’s requirements, as found on their website.


All fully COVID-19-vaccinated passengers are no longer required to undergo pre-departure COVID-19 screening and approval prior to entry to the Solomon Islands. Non-vaccinated Solomon Islands citizens may also return home, but there are still pre-departure testing requirements.


  1. Normal Travel Documents
  2. At check-in, you will need to show proof of your COVID-19 vaccine certificate.

More details are available here:


Are you thinking of traveling internationally? Use our interactive map to find out country-specific entry requirements prior to your trip.

Click the link to view the interactive map: 

The COVID-19 pandemic, which is unprecedented in its severity, and the restrictions and entry requirements imposed by the relevant Government authorities are out of the airline’s reach, is beyond our control.

Useful Links

Please visit the Air Niugini website for further advice on international travel:

Road travel can be dangerous due to poor maintenance and criminal activity. Keep your windows and doors locked. Use a security escort. Avoid driving at night. Avoid riding a motorcycle, taking a taxi or using public transport. It is dangerous to travel by boat. PNG has very few marine search and rescue services. You should consider other options.

Public land is not an option in PNG. Every inch of space belongs only to the people, to Papuan families or tribes. You might end up trespassing on another person’s property and creating an unpleasant situation if you explore on your own.

Be sure to know where you are going. Ask your local guide where to go. You can even take a local guide with you.

People in PNG value associations. You might be seen as an intruder or a trusted guest depending on your group. Local guides will make you look good when you visit remote tribal villages. They will also help you navigate safely.

Although armed robbery is not common in PNG but pick-pocketing or other opportunistic crimes do occur, especially at the local market. Do not make your wallet easy to grab. Keep your belongings safe and secure. Don’t take too much cash or your passport with you. It should be kept safe at your accommodation.

PNG’s hygiene standards are not up to Western standards. Wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer to avoid food-borne diseases and other health problems.

Learn Pidgin

Although English is the official language of government, media, and business, less than 20% of the population has gone to school to learn it. Tok Pisin, also known as Pidgin, is the best way to communicate with Papua New Guinea’s 700+ languages and hundreds of tribes.

Children will be more respectful of you and your presence will bring out their laughter.

Ask for help!

It is impossible to be completely prepared for PNG. Because of the limited infrastructure for tourism, only a few areas in Papua New Guinea have roads. There is not much information online about Papua New Guinea and there are no tourist information offices in Port Moresby. It is best to talk to locals to get advice or have someone show you the sights. Ask for help or suggestions.

Papua New Guinea transport

It is difficult to get around Papua New Guinea. Flying is the most convenient method of transportation. There are many domestic airlines that fly to provincial capitals or regional towns. This makes it easy to reach remote areas. Flights should always be included in a package tour. To get the best domestic flight prices, independent travelers should book well in advance.

Public Motor Vehicles (PMV) are a much more affordable way to travel around the country. These vehicles can be minivans, trucks, or buses that are privately owned. (Note: The official PNG tourism site warns women not to travel alone on PMVs.

To see the amazing dive sites, reefs, and marine life off PNG’s coast, book a scuba diving tour or snorkeling trip. Pirates can be found off the coast of PNG so keep up-to-date with the news and check with your guide.

Trust your gut instincts if something does not feel right. Say thank you if someone offers something unusual and then walk away.


  • COVID-19 is very rare in Papua New Guinea.
  • Malaria, Zika virus, and chikungunya are all insect-borne diseases. Use insect repellent. Make sure your accommodation is bug-proof. Before you travel, make sure to check with your doctor if you are pregnant.
  • There have been poliovirus epidemics. You should be vaccinated against Poliovirus. Tuberculosis can be a serious condition. Tuberculosis is most common in children under 5 years old and those with weak immune systems. Get immediate medical attention if you suspect you may have tuberculosis.
  • HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted illnesses are common. You can reduce your chance of getting infected by taking precautions.
  • Waterborne parasites, such as typhoid and hepatitis, are all common. Boil water and then drink bottled water.
  • The medical facilities are not very good. You will need to be evacuated to Australia if you are seriously ill or hurt. This is something you should make sure your travel insurance covers.