The mail bobo

The Mailbobo Wildlife Conservation & Nature Park (MWCNP) is a remarkable project situated 15 kilometers east of Kundiawa, the provincial capital of Simbu Province in Papua New Guinea. It was founded by a group of determined and resourceful youths, most of whom were secondary school drop-outs or unemployed, seeking a way to escape their pasts of drug addiction and armed robberies along the PNG Okuk Highway.

The project’s primary objective, originally registered as Mailbobo Wildlife & Nature Conservation in 2001 through Papua New Guinea Investment Promotion Authority (PNGIPA), was to preserve and protect the precious tropical rainforest ecology and wildlife while promoting sustainable eco-tourism for the local populace. Later, the project was renamed Mailbobo Wildlife Conservation & Nature Park (MWCNP) to reflect its immense eco-tourism potential.

The MWCNP had its humble beginnings in 1997 when a group of 200 like-minded youths, both men and women, joined forces to establish this conservation endeavor. With no financial support from the government or donor aid organizations, they undertook the ambitious task of constructing footpaths, bridges, tracks, guest houses, lodges, and engaging in tree planting on previously deforested areas used for food gardening. Remarkably, all these essential facilities were built through the collective efforts and financial contributions of the dedicated youths.

Over the years, the Mailbobo Wildlife Conservation & Nature Park has attracted visitors from around the globe. The guest register book proudly lists visitors from countries as far-flung as Denmark, Japan, the UK, and Australia, to name just a few.

Presently, the MWCNP is engaged in a significant rehabilitation project, working hand in hand with the local community to further wildlife conservation and protect the natural park area.

The expansive project area encompasses vast acres of tropical rainforest, providing sanctuary to diverse wildlife such as freshwater creeks, water reservoirs, caves, bats, tree kangaroos, cassowaries, Black Birds of Paradise, possums, caucuses, fish, frogs, wild dogs, and even ancestral burial sites.

Conservation activities within the Mailbobo Wildlife Conservation & Nature Park involve monitoring and preserving natural water reservoirs, controlling logging activities, managing invasive species and critical habitats, as well as implementing measures for the protection of endangered species. Additionally, the park is actively involved in reforestation campaigns and takes pride in ensuring that the local communities benefit from sustainable resource utilization. Through educational programs, the park imparts knowledge about livestock domestication, modern agricultural techniques, and the importance of eco-tourism.

The Mailbobo Wildlife Conservation & Nature Park stands as a beacon of hope and determination, forged by the collective spirit of youths determined to create a better future for themselves and their environment. As the park continues its commendable efforts in wildlife conservation and sustainable practices, it serves as a shining example of how human dedication and community involvement can truly make a difference in protecting the planet’s natural treasures.