The Huli Wigmen Of Tari

The Huli, an indigenous people living in the Southern Highlands region of Papua New Guinea, is an indigenous group. Their number is over 65,000, and they have lived in the region for at least 600 years. They can speak English, Tok Pisin, Huli and Tok Pisin. Huli is known for its elaborate and colorful clothing.

Huli young male adolescents are often separated from their sisters and mothers because they believe that Huli women, who are dangerous witches, steal a Huli man’s masculinity.

The Haroli bachelor cult is a group of young Huli boys who live in isolation in the Papua New Guinean Jungles. After 18 months to three years in which the Huli boys ritually cleanse themselves and their hair with oils, herbs, and other natural remedies, they are ready to present themselves to the village with all their hair and become a Huliwigman.

They are proud warriors who have great respect for birds and imitate them in ceremonial dances. Their faces are painted with yellow-orange ochre and everlasting daisies are specially cultivated to be used in the wigs. Clans are characterized by a complex social system.

While marriages can be arranged, couples may choose to marry one another. A dowry is a payment to the bride’s family in the form of pigs or native livestock. The husband is responsible for building the house for his bride. The wife is responsible for raising children, tending to her garden and keeping her pigs happy after marriage. Around the age of 10, boys will move to their father’s home from their mother.

The Huli, like most sophisticated cultures, have both a ceremonial and everyday attire.

His wig is lighter and his face is not painted. This is the most common way to see Huli when you travel in Papua New Guinea’s town centers.

Women and men can still be seen in traditional dress tending to their gardens, tending their pigs, and building their bush material shelters. Ceremonial rituals are strictly observed. Huli believe that they are descendants of Huli, a skilled farmer who gave them fertile land in the Huli Territory.

The Huli can be divided into clans (hamigini), and subclans, (hamigini-emene). Clans are granted residential rights in a particular territory and membership is determined by hereditary descent.

Subclans, which are smaller groups within a larger clan, are the core units of Huli society. Subclans can make war, peace, or pay indemnities without consulting the larger clan. A subclan membership is restricted to members who are related to the founder of the subclan or another member of that subclan. Huli can belong to multiple subclans at once, depending on