The Morobe Show is an annual event that takes place in Papua New Guinea, showcasing the rich cultural diversity of the Morobe Province. The show brings together various tribes, communities, and visitors from around the country to celebrate and showcase their traditional arts, crafts, music, dance, and cuisine.
The Morobe Show is usually held over two days, typically in the second or third week of October. In 2023, the show is scheduled to take place on October 14th and 15th. While the dates for 2024 have not been officially announced, it is expected that the show will take place around the same time.
The Morobe Show is a colorful and vibrant display of Papua New Guinea’s culture, with hundreds of performers, vendors, and exhibitors from across the region coming together to share their customs and traditions. Visitors can expect to see traditional dances, music, and costumes from various tribes, along with demonstrations of local crafts such as weaving, carving, and pottery-making.
The highlight of the show is the sing-sing competition, where various tribes compete against each other with their unique dances, songs, and costumes. The sing-sing is a lively and energetic affair, with performers dressed in elaborate traditional outfits adorned with feathers, shells, and colorful beads.
In addition to the sing-sing, visitors can also enjoy a range of other activities and events at the show. There are food and drink stalls, where visitors can sample local delicacies such as roasted pork, seafood, and tropical fruits. There are also exhibitions showcasing local artwork, photography, and handicrafts, along with displays of traditional weaponry and tools.
The Morobe Show is an excellent opportunity to learn about and experience Papua New Guinea’s rich cultural heritage. It provides a platform for local communities to showcase their traditions and share their customs with visitors from around the world. For those interested in attending the show, it is recommended to book accommodations and travel arrangements well in advance, as the event draws large crowds and accommodations can fill up quickly.